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06/12/2024 & 06/13/2024 Ruble Graduate Seminar - CIC (Classroom)
June 12 - 13, 2024
Indemnitee vs. Additional Insured – Which is Best?

This course will unlock the hidden meanings behind the terms 'indemnification' and 'indemnitee.' The participants will have a clear understanding that indemnification and insurance are two separate things. They will gain a clearer understanding of how the CGL's insured contract really works and how it can and cannot be used to finance typical contractual risk transfer requests.

Ethical Issues

In this session, participants will understand ethical challenges that insurance professionals face, difference between legal and ethical responsibilities and their fiduciary duties and obligations to the customer, insurer, and peers.

Commercial Crime

An organization’s assets are exposed to threats of embezzlement, fraudulent electronic funds transfer, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, and credit card forgery, etc. from employees and cunning criminals alike. Most commercial property insurance and general liability policies will not cover losses due to criminal activity. In this 4-hour session, participants will discuss the reasons for purchasing crime coverage. They will examine the available crime forms within the ISO series as to their intent and applicability. They will analyze the exposures, review insuring agreements, determine how coverage can be modified by the policy’s exclusions and conditions, and develop an insurance solution. They will discuss Employee Theft, Money/Security/Other Property, Computer Fraud and Funds Transfer Fraud, and Money Orders and Counterfeit Money.

Arson and the Insurance Contract

Arson is a crime, yet it happens every day. This course will take participants on a journey through the arson investigation and a discussion on how a property policy may or may not respond.

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