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10/30/2024 Elements of Risk Management - CISR (Classroom)
October 30, 2024
Holiday Inn & Suites-Duluth
200 W. First St, Duluth, MN 55802 (218) 722-1202
Introduction to Risk Management

Critical terms and fundamental concepts of risk management, the risk management process and how to build a comprehensive risk management program.

Risk Identification

General classes of risk, their logical classifications, and ten specific methods risk managers can use to identify specific risks.

Risk Analysis

How quantitative and qualitative analysis methods are used to evaluate the impact of the frequency and severity of past and predicted losses.

Risk Control

Reducing claims frequency and severity, common causes of loss and risk control methods.

Risk Financing

Loss sensitivity and flexibility of risk financing options, which risks are insurable, and which are best handled by social insurance mechanisms.

Risk Administration

Implementing risk management policies and procedures, the risk management team, and how to measure success.

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